AnyLogic in Three Days
本書はAnyLogicシミューレーション・ソフトウェアの実用テキストです。自習及び大学用のマニュアルとして構成されており、AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition(PLE)無償版と共に使用して、モデリングおよびシミュレーションの学習が可能です。エージェントベースモデリング、ディスクリート・イベントモデリングおよびシステム・ダイナミクスの3つのモデル構築手法を、実例を交えて段階的に学習できるように構成されております。
本書はAnyLogicシミューレーション・ソフトウェアの実用テキストです。自習及び大学用のマニュアルとして構成されており、AnyLogic Personal Learning Edition(PLE)無償版と共に使用して、モデリングおよびシミュレーションの学習が可能です。エージェントベースモデリング、ディスクリート・イベントモデリングおよびシステム・ダイナミクスの3つのモデル構築手法を、実例を交えて段階的に学習できるように構成されております。
This is a practical guide to building simulation models. It explains how to choose the right constructs of the modeling language to create a representation of a real world system that is suitable for risk-free dynamic experiments. And this is the only book that comprehensively presents all three methods, or paradigms, in simulation modeling: Agent Based, System Dynamics, and Discrete Event. With over 100 hands-on, step-by-step examples with different levels of complexity and various application areas, this book is extremely useful to both simulation professionals and students learning simulation modeling.
This is a free educational textbook on process-centric simulation modeling. The book covers the theoretical concepts and implementation techniques behind good simulation modeling, as well as their mathematical and statistical backgrounds. The primary focus of the book is process‐centric models based on flow systems, which many of you will know as discrete‐event models.
This chapter from the book “Evolving Toolbox for Complex Project Management” is devoted to contemporary modeling and simulation techniques applied to complex project management.
The book by Prof. Dr. Dmitry Ivanov, Professor for Supply Chain Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, is advised to everyone interested in supply chain and operations management. It offers applied models and a simple, predictable format to be clear for people without engineering background. The book combines modelling and management views on decision-making and introduces the basic principles of using simulation for decision-making. To reduce technical complexity, the main attention is paid to management decision analysis and using KPI for operational, customer and financial performance for decision-making.