Complete Agent Based Simulation of Mini-Grides

With eyes focused on simulation we review some of the main topics of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES). Then we describe an Agent Based model of a simple example of one of such systems, a micro-grid, oriented to designing a decentralized Supervisor Control. The model has been implemented using AnyLogic.

The vast majority of the non-electrified population are living in remote and rural areas of the developing countries where micro-grids have proved to have a very high potential to participate actively in the electrification of remote and rural areas. Such grids may be fed by electricity from different renewable and conventional decentralized sources.

There are a lot of interesting of HRES micro-grid applications like as mobile equipment, autonomous equipment, small village electricity power supply, water pumping and irrigation systems, communications power suply, mobile health emergency clinics, etc.

Complete Agent Based Simulation of Mini-Grides

Complete Agent Based Simulation of Mini-Grides
