Building a Simulation Model to Characterize Interacting Workflows and to Explore New Workflow Alternatives

Sortie Generation Rate (SGR) is an important metric for air dominance. Lockheed Martin must demonstrate that the Air System can fly the sorties during an allotted time and deliver the capability to the war fighter. Aircraft turnaround time- the time between when the aircraft touches down, refuels, rearms, and completes inspections in order to release the aircraft, to aircraft wheels up - plays an important role in achieving the SGR requirement.

The turnaround process is highly complex and includes multiple interacting human in the loop workflows at multiple workstations at an airbase, and varies from base to base. This paper describes an empirical method of identifying and measuring the primary process tasks, flows and interactions that contribute to the turnaround time, and a modeling and simulation approach to evaluating proposed changes to the process. The goal of the described study was to improve process improvement decision making by using empirical data and modeling and simulation capabilities that consider the entire turnaround process as a system.
