
Simulating Prosumer Data Trading: Testing a Blockchain Smart Contract Based Control

A novel data trading approach was presented in this paper – one where trading was controlled by seller preferences. The approach followed the principles of seller’s rights protection and control over the data sharing available in a community of users. A hybrid approach was shown to combine market and technology simulations and enable system developers to test robust future scenarios.

Production Planning: Simulation Based Predictive Analytics Solution and Evalutation of Forecast Error Measures

Production planning is usually performed based on customer orders or demand forecasts. The demand forecasts in production systems can either be generated by manufacturing companies themselves, i.e. forecast prediction or they can be provided by customers. For both alternatives, forecast prediction, as well as the customer-provided forecasts, the quality of those forecasts is critical for success. In this paper, predictive analytics simulation modeling is used to generate forecast data that mimic different forecast behaviors.

A Comprehensive Electricity Market Model Using Simulation And Optimization Techniques

Worldwide Electrical Power Systems (EPSs) are faced with tremendous challenges because of the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the increasing number of renewables. EPS analysis can help to show future developments in an uncertain environment and is an important task for the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. In order to perform such a complex analysis of future EPSs, a huge number of input parameters is needed. Moreover, technical and also economical processes have to be considered. Thereby, one major task is the modeling of electricity markets. In this paper, we present an approach for the modeling of the German EPS including electricity markets using hybrid simulation and mathematical optimization. We contribute an object-oriented electricity market model which can be utilized to study different exchange mechanisms and behavior patterns of generation unit operators. Simulation results show market results for different generation unit operators and realistic market prices.

Auction policy analysis: an agent-based simulation optimization model of grain market

National grain reserve is important in terms of responding to disasters and the unbalance between supply and demand in many countries. In China, the government supplements grain supply through online auctions. This study focuses on the auction policy of national grain reserve. We develop an agent-based simulation model of China’s wheat market with detail descriptions of different agents, including national grain reserve, grain trading enterprises and grain processing enterprises. Based on this model, the Optimal Computing Budget Allocation (OCBA) simulation optimization method is adopted to analyze the characteristics of optimal decision variables under different scenarios, with an objective to minimize the fluctuation of wheat price. We obtain some insights about operations of national grain reserve. As the first agent-based simulation model about national grain reserve and grain market, this model can be widely used in agricultural economics, and can provide policy supports to the government.

Agent-based Modeling and Simulation

Agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS) is a new approach to modeling systems comprised of autonomous, interacting agents. Computational advances have made possible a growing number of agent-based models across a variety of application domains. Applications range from modeling agent behavior in the stock market, supply chains, and consumer markets, to predicting the spread of epidemics, mitigating the threat of bio-warfare, and understanding the factors that may be responsible for the fall of ancient civilizations.

Modeling General Motors and the North American Automobile Market

This article discusses General Motors’ North American Enterprise Model, a system dynamics model of the entire North American automobile market. The Enterprise Model takes a broad look across the corporation and its marketplace, combining internal activities such as engineering, manufacturing and marketing with external factors such as competition for consumer purchases in the new and used vehicle marketplaces. Eight groups of manufacturers compete monthly for a decade across eighteen vehicle segments, making segment-by-segment decisions about price, volume and investment.

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