Improving Intersection Efficiency with Connected Vehicle Technology

Road traffic modeling

Traffic control strategies at intersections have evolved through applying advanced control technologies during recent decades, especially for signalized intersections around urban areas. Now, with emerging connected vehicle technology there is a renewed potential to improve the overall efficiency and safety conditions at intersections.

A group from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville conducted a study of the relationship between average system delay and average queue length for traffic approaching signalized intersections. The team utilized data from the City of Detroit collected in a field test during the 2014 Intelligent Transportation Systems World Congress. The study presented an in-depth analysis about how to use the information from the connected vehicles to simulate the real-world situation, so that an optimal traffic signal control solution can be achieved at intersections.

Results from the AnyLogic agent-based simulation model showed a decrease in average system delay, reduced traffic queue for different traffic lanes, and a positive relationship between the average system delay and the average traffic queue length.

Read the full case study presented at the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference.
