Fall Events in North America: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013 and Others

Fall Events in North America: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013 and Others
Over the past few months the AnyLogic North America team have been busy attending many customer events and conferences and spreading the good word about AnyLogic. AnyLogic North America attended the Annual INFORMS conference in Minneapolis, MN at the beginning of October. We maintained a high visibility level through two workshops (one workalong, and one demonstration) and our state-of-the-art booth. Indeed, our booth received very complimentary remarks from several of the other vendors for its elegance and messaging. Several very promising leads came out of the conference, mainly in the supply chain area. Fun fact: at one point, we had two of the top American logistics companies - direct competitors - in a dialogue about the merits of AnyLogic at the same time. Other interested parties were several consulting firms, a host of academics in a wide range of application areas, and several rail companies. We were also one of the few companies invited to present at the Ford Analytics Conference in Dearborn, Michigan. There were over 100 Ford employees in attendance from various Engineering, Marketing and Finance departments. Dr. Andrei Borshchev gave a presentation outlining how companies can benefit from modeling and simulation and why AnyLogic is the best product on the market. Steve Cyncewicz from Ford Credit presented his findings from a project he did using AnyLogic to improve business practices. Derek Magilton also exhibited AnyLogic at the Michigan Simulation User Group annual conference. Between keynote speeches from representatives from GM and Dow Chemicals, Derek gave a detailed overview of AnyLogic.
