Complete Workshop Video Available: “Introduction into Simulation Modeling for Business Applications”

The “Introduction into Simulation Modeling for Business Applications” workshop video is now available on our website. Dr. Andrei Borshchev, CEO of The AnyLogic Company, was the presenter.

This workshop program introduces the audience to different simulation modeling approaches and shows examples of their use. It also illustrates the various features of AnyLogic 6 and reviews several real-life problems from different industries that were solved with the help of simulation modeling. The program is specifically designed for those who are new to simulation modeling to explain and demonstrate why simulation modeling is important and what kind of problems it helps to solve.

The following case studies were discussed:

  • Cell Phone Users Market Model
  • Foam Concrete Plant Manufacturing Model
  • Port Container Terminal Model
  • Transportation and Supply Chain Model
The workshop was organized by the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University in collaboration with the AnyLogic Company. It was previously presented at several world known universities like the Vienna University of Technology (TU-Vienna), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of New South Wales (UNSW). It also ran successfully as a part of a MBA course at both the Stockholm School of Economics (St. Petersburg) and the State University of Management (Moscow).

It may seem like this video is only for newcomers, but that is not so. The workshop is actually very beneficial for simulation enthusiasts like you. With this video, it will be much easier for you to educate your friends and colleagues who are not aware of the great idea of simulation! So like it, share it, re-post it, and spread the word about it, and then visit our office to get a free cookie for it!

Why Use Simulation
