コンテナに荷物を積載する際、少しの空きスペースがあると、あなたにとっても会社にとっても金銭的な損失になります。倉庫保管や物流では、コンテナの数を減らすために、コンテナに商品をできるだけ隙間なく詰めることが非常に重要です。Decision Labは、梱包をより迅速かつ効率的に行うのにどのようなテクニックが役立つかを特定する取り組みを行いました。プロジェクトとその結果についての詳細をご覧ください。
Walmart, the world’s largest seller of groceries, recently began piloting first-of-a-kind automation for its popular online grocery pickup service.
Our partners at MOSIMTEC used AnyLogic to develop the simulation model behind the system’s development. Read on for more about the material handling system, videos of the robots in action, and MOSIMTEC's case study.
Being #26 in last years’ Fortune 500 list, Cardinal Health is a billion dollar pharmaceutical distribution and logistics company. Its clients are hospitals, pharmacies, physicians, and individual consumers. They face a multitude of typical distribution warehouse challenges that are further complicated by the nature of pharmaceutical products, which are smaller in size, consumable, expensive, and could be life critical. Company’s warehouses have narrow passages, and workers operate big multilevel trolleys. That increases the probability of employees’ mistakes and makes these mistakes costly.