昨年は、役立つヒント、実際のケーススタディ、最新リリースなどを含む、多くの素晴らしいブログ投稿を公開しました。今回は、2024 年の最初のブログ投稿で、2023 年の最も人気のあったブログ投稿トップ 5 を見てみましょう。
We have much pleasure in announcing that The AnyLogic Company has established partnership with PwC Singapore. PwC is a global network of firms delivering assurance, tax, and consulting services for business. PwC Singapore will be enhancing client projects by employing AnyLogic's solution set, as well as participating in and organizing local events and training.
The end of the year is a natural moment to look both back and forward. Here we have some highlights from an eventful and successful 2018, along with a few key points to look out for in 2019. Finally, before the holidays get well and truly underway, there is also an interactive seasonal simulation…
A very well-attended WinterSim Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden, celebrated simulation as a noble cause. Attendees were up on 2017 with over 800 conference goers taking part in the four-day event, and AnyLogic enjoyed its best year yet. Here are a few notes, highlights, photos, and a video.
It’s the end of 2018, the numbers are in, and these are our top 5 most popular articles of the year. Including some great contributions from the community. Take a look! What are your favorites? Did you miss any?
Jesús Madrid Varela and Christian Moller Corral developed a model that proved popular around...
The AnyLogic Company has a new website! As the company continues to expand, and with a growing number of products, we have had to make a few changes to how we organize our websites.
Here we introduce the new site for The AnyLogic Company — find out what is happening and why. Read on, learn about the changes, and have a look at the careers on the new website for The AnyLogic Company! Read more...
Andrei Borshchev recently sat down with Sim Talk podcast host, Jacob Ingalls, for a wide-ranging discussion about AnyLogic and simulation modeling. Here is an overview and link to the podcast.
The podcast discussion begins by providing insight into the state of dynamic simulation in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, giving detail to how AnyLogic began and how it changed the scene with agent based modeling. Read on for the summary and podcast link.
At our company there is a tradition: around the middle of the year our international offices unite on a corporate trip.
Towards the end of the year, we choose where to go. Everyone is given the chance to present their ideas, ask questions, and discuss before we hold a vote. Past years have seen us travel to Argentina, Bali, Botswana, Brazil, Costa Rica, Kamchatka, Vanuatu, and Zambia. Read on, see our latest adventure, and perhaps come join the team...