コンテナに荷物を積載する際、少しの空きスペースがあると、あなたにとっても会社にとっても金銭的な損失になります。倉庫保管や物流では、コンテナの数を減らすために、コンテナに商品をできるだけ隙間なく詰めることが非常に重要です。Decision Labは、梱包をより迅速かつ効率的に行うのにどのようなテクニックが役立つかを特定する取り組みを行いました。プロジェクトとその結果についての詳細をご覧ください。
In a major new release, anyLogistix sets a new standard for supply chain software with anyLogistix Studio. In addition to the many updates and new features, anyLogistix Studio introduces streamlined extension development. Now, with a fully integrated AnyLogic modeling environment, supply chain professionals have access to a complete, customizable, and extensible supply chain development and analysis tool.
Here is a summary of the update.
How McDonald's managed change with the help of HAVI and simulation modeling. A case study with presentation video.
As the largest restaurant chain by revenue and second by number of outlets, McDonald's is a market leader. To maintain its market success, the company pays close attention to customer preferences and regularly updates its menu. Small changes can have many knock-on effects, here we investigate their management.
Version 2.7 of our supply chain management software is now available. It has many new features to enhance supply chain modeling and innovation, as well as ease usability. Have a look at these new features in our animated illustrations.
If you are new to anyLogistix supply chain software, you can try it for free with the personal learning edition (PLE).
There is also a free e-book for you to learn more about building...
Tue, Oct 10, 2017 - Join us for a webinar featuring the Rail Library, one of AnyLogic’s industry-specific libraries.
AnyLogic’s Rail Library allows you to efficiently model, simulate and visualize rail yard and rail transportation operations of any complexity and scale.
The webinar will detail how to build a railway network, including yards, and highlight features useful for your future rail modeling projects.
anyLogistix 2.6 is released! The newest version of supply chain design and analytics software includes new features, experiments and example models. Plus a FREE Personal Learning Edition is now available for education and self-teaching. If you’re new to anyLogistix, we’ve provided simple example models that will teach you how to design and conduct experiments. Also, check out the help section with product documentation and multiple tutorials.