PwC が製造業のプロセス最適化のために SAP とシミュレーション モデルとの統合をどのようにしているかをご覧ください。技術的な課題、革新的なソリューション、および生産最適化について詳しくご説明します。
得られた結果は非常に良好でした。この方法では、Nearest Agentヒューリスティックよりも4倍以上短い待機時間が生成されました。
このブログでは、Agustin Albinatiがモデルの要約とニューラルネットを定義する際の3つの重要な考慮事項を紹介します。さらに彼のチームの調査結果をご紹介します。ブログの最後にリンクされているのは、Pathmindのステップバイステップのハウツーです。ぜひご覧ください!
Digital twin technology is developing rapidly, and over the next five years it will have a significant impact on industry, especially in helping drive cost savings. Reflecting this, Gartner has placed Digital Twins on its Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2019.
This blog introduces An Introduction to Digital Twin Development, a white paper about the benefits of digital twins and how to realize them successfully. Read on and get the free download.
Digital twins are part of Industry 4.0. How are they being used on automobile production lines? Here we investigate how a digital twin is made and used in the automotive industry.
One of the world’s largest capital goods companies, CNHi, wanted to evaluate Industry 4.0 technologies. It chose its IVECO production plant in Suzzara, Italy. Fair Dynamics were contracted and proposed a digital twin. Read on and discover how maintenance costs can be reduced with a digital twin — Production line downtime was shown in a study of over 100 automotive executives to cost an average of $22,000 per minute.
London, May 25 – Digital twins at work. Simulation modeling experts, from multiple industrial disciplines, joined dseConsulting, HSSMi, and AnyLogic for an insightful event, rich with innovation. Here are the highlights and downloads.
A data hack also gave attendees the chance to use AI and simulation with AnyLogic simulation software.
Simulation modeling is proving invaluable to bringing the latest developments of Industry 4.0 into practical use and the event in London was a great example of this. Read the highlights and download the presentations…