


シミュレーションは、起こりうるリスクを予測し、誤った決定がプロジェクトの実施に及ぼす影響を軽減できるため、プロジェクト管理において重要な役割を果たします。このブログ投稿では、さまざまなモデリング手法をソフトウェア開発プロジェクト管理の問題に適用する方法をご紹介し、その後、エージェント ベースのアプローチとその利点に焦点を当てます。

The art of process-centric modeling – an AnyLogic educational textbook

The art of process-centric modeling – an AnyLogic educational textbook

This free educational textbook uses AnyLogic to teach the art of process centric modeling. Also known as discrete-event modeling, process-centric modeling is good for capturing business processes, where systems can be described as a sequence of actions. Capturing a system in a process-centric model is not always straightforward but, using clear examples and the simulation modeling tool AnyLogic, this book teaches you how.

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days in Japanese

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days in Japanese

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, the practical book on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, is now available for FREE in Japanese! The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev the author of AnyLogic training courses. The book is designed for self-education or university environment and might be considered as the first learning guide to AnyLogic software. The book is structured around four examples from different areas, where simulation modeling could be implemented: manufacturing, healthcare, marketing research and pedestrian flows. Being practice-oriented, the book also contains some theory behind all four application areas. The book is available in Portuguese, Chinese and English.

New Book on Supply Chain Management Is Now Available

New Book on Supply Chain Management Is Now Available

For those interested in supply chain and operations management, we recommend a new book - "Global Supply Chain and Operations Management: A Decision-Oriented Introduction to the Creation of Value". The co-author, Dmitry Ivanov, is a professor for International Supply Chain Management at Berlin School of Economics and Law. He is also an author and co-author of 250 publications. You can download one of his books on decision-making in supply chain and manufacturing with AnyLogic optimization and simulation software on our website. The new book is aimed mainly at students and academics, but it might definitely interest those who work in logistics and operations management. This book presents global supply chain and operations management from a comprehensive perspective, focusing on the operational roles in the networks and presenting the quantitative and organizational methods needed to plan and control the material, information and financial flows in the supply chain.

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, Portuguese Translation - FREE

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, Portuguese Translation - FREE

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, the first practical textbook on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, has a Portuguese version available to download at no cost to you. The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev, Head of Training at AnyLogic and the author of AnyLogic documentation and AnyLogic training courses. Consider this, your first step in learning AnyLogic software. The book is structured around three examples: a consumer market model, an epidemiology model, and an airport model. Some theory behind all three modeling methods is also provided in the book. Through reading the book and completing the exercises, you will create models of pedestrians and discrete events using business process flowcharts, draw diagrams of stock and flow, and build agent-based models. On the Portuguese landing page, also find additional learning material. A recorded webinar is available (in English) that focuses on key new AnyLogic 7 features: extending GIS maps by adding additional shapefiles, converting shapefiles into GIS routes, and the Fluid Library.

AnyLogic for Supply Chain Management Textbook, FREE

AnyLogic for Supply Chain Management Textbook, FREE

Seeking educational opportunities to enhance your work with AnyLogic? Pleased to announce an extremely valuable textbook, recently released. Operations and Supply Chain Management with AnyLogic 7.2 by Dr. Dmitry Ivanov, Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Berlin School of Economics and Law is available now in digital format for FREE. Dr. Ivanov has authored and contributed to dozens of current textbooks and is known for his expertise in logistics and supply chain optimization, supply chain design and risk management, supply chain scheduling, mathematical optimization and control theory, production management, and ERP and APS systems. The focus of the textbook is to introduce MBA and M.Sc. Students into the basic principles of using simulation for decision-making, however, is also ideal for all AnyLogic users and self-teachers.

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, Available Now in Portuguese

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, Available Now in Portuguese

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, the first practical textbook on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, is now available in Portuguese through Amazon.com. The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev, Head of Training at AnyLogic and the author of AnyLogic documentation and AnyLogic training courses. Consider this, your first step in learning AnyLogic software. The book is structured around three examples: a consumer market model, an epidemiology model, and an airport model. Some theory behind all three modeling methods is also provided in the book. Through reading the book and completing the exercises, you will create models of pedestrians and discrete events using business process flowcharts, draw diagrams of stock and flow, and build agent-based models. You'll find AnyLogic 7 in Three Days to be the perfect accompaniment to the FREE Personal Learning Edition (PLE) of AnyLogic software. Whether you are a commercial user, student, or professor teaching AnyLogic in the classroom, let this be your guide.

AnyLogic Featured in Rail Application Text Book

AnyLogic Featured in Rail Application Text Book

The Handbook of Operations Research Applications at Railroads (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) is the first book to offer a complete spectrum of the role that operations research has played and can play in the improvement of North American freight railroads. It explores how decisions are made at railroads, contains examples of the mathematical programming formulations to the complex problems, and provides insights into real-world applications. AnyLogic is featured in two chapters: Simulation of Line of Road Operations and Terminal Simulation written by Roger Baugher, who has worked to apply Operations Research tools to railroads for over 40 years as both a railroad employee and consultant (B. Patty, Preface). Roger was instrumental in the development of Algorithmic Blocking and Classification (ABC) while at Norfolk Southern, was the first recipient of the Railroad Applications Special Interest Group (RASIG) Award for his contributions to OR in the railroad industry and is a Franz Edelman Laureate. In addition to Norfolk Southern, Roger Baugher applied his understanding of network optimization approaches to various forms of the transportation organizations, such as BNSF, American Airlines, Pacer Stacktrain, Conrail where he played an integral part in developing the Conrail Network Analysis Model (CNAM)

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days: Paperback Edition Available

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days: Paperback Edition Available

AnyLogic 7 in Three Days, the first practical textbook on AnyLogic 7 from AnyLogic developers, is now available in paperback through Amazon.com. The book is written by Ilya Grigoryev, Head of Training at AnyLogic and the author of AnyLogic documentation and AnyLogic training courses. Consider this your first step to learning AnyLogic software. The book is structured around three examples: a consumer market model, an epidemiology model and an airport model. Some theory behind all three modeling methods is also provided, but if you are looking for a deeper dive into the methodologies, check out The Big Book of Simulation Modeling by Andrei Borshchev, The AnyLogic Company CEO. You'll find AnyLogic 7 in Three Days to be the perfect accompaniment to the FREE Personal Learning Edition (PLE) of AnyLogic software. Whether you are a commercial user, student, or professor teaching AnyLogic in the classroom, let this be your guide.

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